Saturday, June 21, 2008

can i be..?

oh how blissfully happy i am,
but what is this vast emptiness that i feel inside?
is there any identification to it?

that man i see in the mid day sun
for want of food toiling his fingers to the bone,
oh for that enduring struggle,
can i be him?

that small town boy, far from his folks,
desperation in his eyes looking for a living;
in this mercilessly big city of mine.
oh for that losing hope,
can i be him?

o mighty king, awed by all.
majesty in your eyes.
only to be betrayed by the one
you trusted your life.
oh for those questioning eyes,
can i be him?

run, run you tiny one;
your hunter comes right behind.
death is imminent or may be not.
oh for that uncertain heart,
can i be him?

days without water in the vast expanse
scavengers circling over his head,
do they predict impending death?
oh for that desperate calling of faith,
can i be him?

that dying old man,
leaving his wretched old lady
alone in the harsh world.
oh for the want of life,
can i be him?

that silent sheep with moon in his eyes;
knowing he might not see it again,
oh for the love of another night,
can i be him?

he sees his son on the ground,
innocent witness to the mob's madness;
oh for those helpless hands,
can i be him?

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