Thursday, July 3, 2008

Rise of the Phoenix

The day is falling in drops of red. It’s shaded with the fears of isolation…for ever and ever. I think it’s time I celebrated the dawn of a new era in my life, a new era without hopes, without friends, without relatives, without desires, without love, without care. An era which braves the world, the new world. Welcome to the new world, my new world, which leads me to a never ending quest of finding my shattered fragments and fragments of that flint which I wanted for me. The wall which fell on me for the want of that stone. I wonder if its fragments are lying somewhere along with mine. How I wish to whack everyone in my way, how I want to pour that boiling toxin on them which is brewing inside me. I’m afraid that it’s so toxic that the new world will not sustain it. I’m not that ruthless, I never used to be, I’ll never be, even in my new world. I will pour that liquid drop by drop into the unconscious ears of humanity. I’ll rejoice as I see the world melt in front of me like I saw the old world melting away last night. As it flows away I’ll search for my scattered fragments buried somewhere under its happiest places. Beware! You unsuspecting new world! Don’t say that I came without a warning! In the meantime I’ll go to my favorite haunt where I can smoke on the terrace, all the while seeing ignorant fools having coffee together and looking forward to their happy lives. After that I’ll get stoned, never to wake up from that delirium again. Yes I breathe fire! Beware! The phoenix is rising.


Nanga Fakir said...

Welcome my son, welcome to the machine!

demential said...

ur writings totally stay in my head..especially this one..more of such wil be appreciated.